We Donated to the vulnerable through our Government during the COVID-19
Arise and Shine was able to deliver a donation of over 600 Bags of Quality Maize Flour to the COVID-19 Taskforce
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Arise and Shine was able to deliver a donation of over 600 Bags of Quality Maize Flour to the COVID-19 Taskforce
As a Loyal Tax payer, we were invited to the exhibition at kololo Airstrip, Kampala to market our first class Products.
This took place at Arise and Shine Premises where All staffs and aBi Development Board Chair and Members attended.
This took place in Kitgum District. The charity work helps to raise funds to continue supporting the disadvantaged children in Northern Uganda
Weighing made simple and geneuing. This weighbridge machine was calibrated by UNBS, the standard body to ensure Quality in Uganda
A sign of steady growth at our company. This will boss our production in terms of Tonnes of flour processed by hour.